Published News 4313323544

Georgia Laurie, 31, from Sandhurst in Berkshire, punched the reptile in the face when it attacked her twin Melissa while they were in Mexico in June 2021.\n\nBoth women were seriously hurt but survived after treatment, and now Geo

The Sun Nigeria 3212442445

Michael Cohen took the stand and delivered truly devastating testimony against his former boss, Donald Trump.\n\nWeek 4 of testimony in Donald Trump's first criminal trial (of 4) started off with the most anticipated - and volatil

The Fresno Bee 3144223541

Amid a swell of evidence and documents made public by the court in Donald Trump's New York hush money trial, this audio file contains an alleged conversation between former President Donald Trump and his one-time hatchet man and l

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부산시 성동구에 지내는 박 모(여)씨는 오픈마켓에서 크리스마스 선물로 아이 장난감을 핸드폰 소액결제로 구매했었다. 허나 품절로 인해 상식적으로 물건이 취소됐고, 다시 다른 곳에서 주문했었다. 그럴 때까지도 소액결제 했으니 취소 후 자동으로 환불될 것이라 마음했다. 하지만 1개월이 지나서도 환불금이 들어오지 않았다. 11번가에서는 “환불금이 자체 지불수단인 캐쉬로 자동 입금됐을