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<p>이처럼 공정을 면밀히 거치지 않는다면 임플란트 재수술 등이 요구된다. 이는 단순히 첫 치료에서 부틀림없는 진단을 복구하고 다시 식립을 진행하는 방식이 아닌 재시술까지 오는 과정에서 생긴 문제들을 처치하고 진행해야 하기 때문에 더욱 수술적 난이도가 높다

Economic Times 1233153414

STAUNTON -- Natasha McCurdy has resigned as chair of the Staunton School Board, effective April 30. The board held a called meeting Wednesday and unanimously accepted McCurdy's resignation. The vote was 4-0. McCurdy wasn't in atte

The Sunday Times 4425121433

Whitehorse City Council is calling on the Victorian Government to partner with them to deliver great community outcomes for the Box Hill and Burwood areas which are set to change dramatically due to the Suburban Rail Loop.\n\nThe